We are the Inland Tlingit people of Teslin. Gunałchîsh, welcome and thank you for your interest! We migrated inland from southeast Alaska over 200 years ago. We settled on the shores of Teslin and have lived and prospered ever since.

Teslin Tlingit Heritage Centre
The Teslin Tlingit Heritage Centre is located in a spectacular setting on Teslin Lake, five kilometres north of the Village of Teslin with a clear view of Tle’nax T’Awei (Lone Sheep Mountain), also known locally as The Three Aces or Dawson Peaks.
Visitors are welcome to share in our Tlingit Culture by visiting our exhibits, spending time with our on-site cultural demonstrators, tasting our homemade bannock and talking to our knowledgable staff to learn more about our culture. The main building is comprised of the Great Hall, Elders’ Room, Gallery, and gift shop. The Gallery provides a showcase for modern and traditional Tlingit arts and culture. The gift shop offers arts and crafts made by local Tlingit artisans and other unique gift items. At the water’s edge are the canoe shed and a traditional fish camp.